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Website tools

Last update on February 2005 by Robert

In making this site we've used a collection of tools.
We started off using StepZilla to make the webpages, but soon found it had little added value over a text editor so we continued with PFE (Programmer's File Editor) instead.
Then someone mentioned MMBase . This seemed promising until I realised it required a running webserver. This was exactly the reason why I decided against Zope , which is otherwise an excellent web authoring tool.

Then I stumbled on City Desk (actually, this was being used at the company I worked for at the time). This is fine for our needs: it keeps content and layout separate, while allowing static html generation. My main gripe is that I can't control all the output, and thus can't ensure my site is error free. That was the reason to do-it-myself with some Python code and the Crimson Editor .

Another important tool is my digital camera, a Minolta DImage F100 . It produces excellent pictures, the main limitation being the operator.

To manipulate these images I use Micrografx Picture Publisher, mostly because it came packaged with something I bought. For batch processing of images and for generating thumbnail overviews I use IrfanView which I have grown quite fond of.
